Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Internships in Bangalore for M.Tech Engineering Students

Internships make you ready for job and explore new & better opportunities for students and freshers. Bangalore is a startup generator city and have tremendous openings as internship in various fields of computer science and related technologies. You can call is heaven for both startup companies and candidates.
In this post we will get better ideas for top trending technologies and scope for internships in Bangalore.

Computer Science Technologies for Internship

BIG DATA Internships

  1. HADOOP 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on BigData for basic to intermediate knowledge of bigdata technologies like Hadoop and Cloudera. Our internship on BigData covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

BI TOOLS Internships

  1. Tableau 
  2. Qlikview 
  3. Microstrategy 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on BI Tools for basic to intermediate knowledge of BI Tools technologies like Tableau, Quikview and Microstrategy . Our internship on BigData covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.


  1. Amazon 
  2. Dropbox 
  3. GoogleDrive
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on Cloud Computing for basic to intermediate knowledge of Cloud Computing technologies like Amazon, Dropbox, and Google Drive. Our internship on Cloud Computing covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

DATA MINING Internships

  1. R Tool 
  2. Weka Tool 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on Data Mining for basic to intermediate knowledge of Data Mining technologies like R Tool and Weka Tool. Our internship on Data Mining covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

VLSI Internships

  1. Verilog 
  2. Xilinx 
  3. Cadence 
  4. Sparten-6 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on VLSI for basic to intermediate knowledge of VLSI technologies like Verilog, Xilinx, Cadence, and Sparten-6. Our internship on VLSI covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

Internships Web Development

  1. PHP 
  2. JSP, Servlets 
  3. Ajax, Web Services 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on Web Development for basic to intermediate knowledge of Web Development technologies like PHP, JSP, Servlets, Ajax and Web services. Our internship on Web Development covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

IOT (Internet of Things) Internships

  1. Raspberry PI 
  2. Python 
  3. Cloud Computing 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on IOT for basic to intermediate knowledge of IOT technologies like Raspberry PI, Python, and Cloud Computing. Our internship on IOT covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

Image Processing Internships

  1. Matlab 
  2. OpenCV 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on Image Processing for basic to intermediate knowledge of Image Processing technologies like MatLab and OpenCV. Our internship on Image Processing covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

MATLAB Internships

  1. Signal Processing 
  2. Communication 
  3. Power Electronics 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on MatLab for basic to intermediate knowledge of MatLab technologies like Signal Processing, Communication and Power Electronics. Our internship on MatLab covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

Internships on EMBEDDED Technologies

  1. ARM7 / Cortex / Raspberry PI 
  2. Embedded C 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on Embedded Technologies for basic to intermediate knowledge of Embedded technologies like ARM7 / Cortex / Raspberry PI, Embedded C,  and Robotics. Our internship on Embedded System covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

NS2 Internships

  1. WSN 
  2. Networking 
  3. Mobile Computing 
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on NS2 Simulation for basic to intermediate knowledge of NS2 Simulation technologies like WSN, Networking, and Mobile Computing. Our internship on NS2 Simulation covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

ANDROID Internships

  1. Mobile Application 
  2. Android h/w Apps
Internship for Computer science and Engineering Students on Android for basic to intermediate knowledge of Android technologies like Android Mobile Application and Android h/w Apps. Our internship on Android covers all the important concept and techniques of modern practice.

You can get top class guidance on above mentioned technology by experienced and friendly Teachers relocated in Bangalore

Monday, 14 September 2015

New IEEE Based Java Projects List

Cloud Computing

IEEE Projects based on Cloud Computing

  1. On the Security of a Public Auditing Mechanism for Shared Cloud Data Service 
  2. Secure Auditing and Deduplicating Data in Cloud 
  3. Expressive, Efficient, and Revocable Data Access Control for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage 
  4. A Secure Client Side Deduplication Scheme in Cloud Storage Environments 
  5. An Improved Mutual Authentication Framework for Cloud Computing 
  6. CAM: Cloud-Assisted Privacy Preserving Mobile Health Monitoring 
  7. Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage 
  8. A cloud computing based telemedicine service 
  9. Protecting Data Privacy and Security for Cloud Computing Based on Secret Sharing 
  10. Secure Logging As a Service—Delegating Log Management to the Cloud 
  11. HASBE: A Hierarchical Attribute-Based Solution for Flexible and Scalable Access Control in Cloud Computing 
  12. Optimizing Cloud Resources for Delivering IPTV Services Through Virtualization 
  13. Mona: Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud 
  14. Toward Secure Multikeyword Top-k Retrieval over Encrypted Cloud Data 
  15. Pre-emptive scheduling of on-line real time services with task migration for cloud computing 
  16. C-MART: Benchmarking the Cloud Parallel and Distributed Systems 
  17. Using Location Based Encryption to Improve the Security of Data Access in Cloud Computing 
  18. Secure and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks 
  19. NCCloud: A Network-Coding-Based Storage System in a Cloud-of-Clouds 
  20. Innovative Schemes for Resource Allocation in the Cloud for Media Streaming Applications 
  21. Seed Block Algorithm: A Remote Smart Data Back-up Technique for Cloud Computing 
  22. Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds 
  23. Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud 
  24. Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data 
  25. iFarm: Development of Cloud-based System of Cultivation Management for Precision Agriculture 
  26. Cloud-Assisted Mobile-Access of Health Data With Privacy and Auditability 
  27. A Framework For Selection Of Best Cloud Service Provider Using Ranked Voting Method 
  28. A Secure Client Side Deduplication Scheme in Cloud Storage Environments 
  29. Public Integrity Auditing for Shared Dynamic Cloud Data with Group User Revocation 
  30. Public Integrity Auditing for Dynamic Data Sharing with Multi-User Modification 
  31. Identity-Based Encryption with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing 
  32. ClubCF: A Clustering-based Collaborative Filtering Approach for Big Data Application 
  33. Dache: A Data Aware Caching for Big-Data Applications Using the MapReduce Framework 
  34. Cost Minimization for Big Data Processing in Geo-Distributed Data Centers 
  35. Authorized Public Auditing of Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud with Efficient Verifiable Fine-Grained Updates 
  36. An Anonymous End-to-End Communication Protocol for Mobile Cloud Environments 
  37. Key-Aggregate Searchable Encryption (KASE) for Group Data Sharing via Cloud Storage 
  38. Enabling Efficient Access Control with Dynamic Policy Updating for Big Data in the Cloud 
  39. A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning 
  40. KASR: A Keyword-Aware Service Recommendation Method on MapReduce for Big Data 
  41. Privacy Preserving Data Analytics for Smart Homes 
  42. Toward Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Computing in Big Data Era 
  43. Load Balancing for Privacy-Preserving Access to Big Data in Cloud 
  44. A packet marking approach to protect cloud environment against DDoS attacks 
  45. CloudMoV: Cloud-based Mobile Social TV 
  46. Shared Authority Based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol in Cloud Computing 
  47. EasySMS: A Protocol for End-to-End Secure Transmission of SMS
For more wider view go to IEEE Projects on Cloud Computing.

Big Data

IEEE Projects based on Big Data

  1. Processing Geo-Dispersed Big Data in an Advanced MapReduce Framework
  2. Recent Advances in Autonomic Provisioning of Big Data Applications on Clouds
  3. Privacy Preserving Data Analysis in Mental Health Research
  4. BFC: High-Performance Distributed Big-File Cloud Storage Based On Key-Value Store
  5. Performance Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms for Dynamic Workflow Applications
  6. PaWI: ParallelWeighted Itemset Mining by means of MapReduce
  7. Building a Big Data Analytics Service Framework for Mobile Advertising and Marketing
  8. Load Balancing for Privacy-Preserving Access to Big Data in Cloud
  9. Enabling Efficient Access Control with Dynamic Policy Updating for Big Data in the Cloud
  10. MRPrePost-A parallel algorithm adapted for mining big data
  11. Toward Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Computing in Big Data Era
  12. Privacy Preserving Data Analytics for Smart Homes
  13. Authorized Public Auditing of Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud with Efficient Verifiable Fine-grained Updates
  14. KASR: A Keyword-Aware Service Recommendation Method on MapReduce for Big Data
  15. Cost Minimization for Big Data Processing in Geo-Distributed Data Centers
  16. Dache: A Data Aware Caching for Big-Data Applications Using the MapReduce Framework
  17. ClubCF: A Clustering-based Collaborative Filtering Approach for Big Data Application
For more wider view go to IEEE projects on Big Data.

Networking & Network Security

IEEE Projects based on Networking and Network Security

  1. Honeywords: Making Password-Cracking Detectable
  2. Privacy-Preserving and Truthful Detection of Packet Dropping Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
  3. A Secure Group Key Management Scheme for Sensor Networks
  4. Maximizing P2P File Access Availability in mobile Ad Hoc Networks though Replication for Efficient File Sharing
  5. Using Identity and Trust with Key Management for achieving security in Ad hoc Networks
  6. Search Me If You Can: Privacy-preserving Location Query Service
  7. Routing in Wireless Sensor Network using Fuzzy based Trust Model
  8. Privacy Preserving Cloud-based Computing Platform (PPCCP) for using Location Based Services
  9. NICE: Network Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure Selection in Virtual Network Systems
  10. EMAP: Expedite Message Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
  11. Cluster-Based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  12. Fast Transmission to Remote Cooperative Groups: A New Key Management Paradigm
  13. Back-Pressure-Based Packet-by-Packet Adaptive Routing in Communication Networks
  14. AMPLE: An Adaptive Traffic Engineering System Based on Virtual Routing Topologies.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


CITL Tech Varsity, Bangalore offers projects for academic students. Projects are based on IEEE papers. Project Training for Engineering students (BE/B.Tech) from ECE, EEE, Medical Electronics, Electronics & Telecommunication can opt for Embedded Projects(8051, PIC, ARM7, ARM9, ARM11, i.e., 8/16/32 bit Micro controller), Linux device Driver based,Embedded Android, Robotics, Biomedical, Biometric, VLSI, Verilog, VHDl (Xilinx, FPGA kit) & can gain exposure on technologies like GSM/GPS/RFID/Zigbee/Bluetooth CAN/LIN, SPI, I2C. Project Training for Engineering Students,(Computer Science & Information Science) and MCA software Projects likeJava/J2EE(JSP,Servlet,Swings,SOA,PHP,Struts,hibernate,XML) Dotnet, Android, Matlab & can gain Domain exposure on Cloud Computing, Big Data, Cyber Security,Mobile Computing, Distributed & Parallel, Networking, Network & Security, Wireless Sensor Networks, Web Mining, Data mining and Image Processing. M.Tech in VLSI and Embedded systems,Digital Electronics,Power Electronics,Computer Science, Computer Networking can implement 2014, 2014-2015 IEEE papers based on Embedded, 2014-2015 IEEE papers based on Java/J2EE, 2014-2015 IEEE papers based on Android, 2014-2015 IEEE papers based on Matlab, 2014-2015 IEEE papers based on VLSI, 2014-2015 IEEE papers based on NS2 2012 IEEE papers based on Embedded, Java/J2EE, Android, Matlab, VLSI, NS2. 2011 IEEE papers based on Embedded, Java/J2EE, Android, Matlab, VLSI, NS2 Mini Projects also available for pre-final year students. Intern-ship for Final Year & Pre-final year Engineering & M.Tech Students,we offer quad-copter projects,drones,flying 
copter,quad copter workshop,rc quad copter in India,quad copter controller board,flying robots,four router air crafts,diy drones in Bangalore,unmanned air vehicles .